January 13, 2006 - Don't Hide The Truth
I have not hidden Your righteousness within my heart; I have declared Your faithfulness and Your salvation; I have not concealed Your lovingkindness and Your truth From the great assembly. - Psalm 40:10
Many Christians feel that not only is Christianity a personal thing that you keep to yourself, they also believe that your best witness is to say nothing at all but to preach the gospel with your life. Though that sounds very righteous and noble, it is not biblical and it is dangerous thinking. We do need to be a good witness for Christ, but people are not saved by my conduct, they are saved through the power of the gospel (Romans 1:18). Why would people not want to share such a wonderful message? I know that I miss opportunities all the time when it comes to sharing my faith, but I hope I have not wilfully "hidden" His righteousness within my heart. I hope that I have preached the message of Jesus Christ.
The new year brings many possibilities and with those new found possibilities bring temptation for us to live life without a concern of the eternal destiny of the millions entering a Christless eternity. Does this make you feel guilty? It shouldn't make you feel guilty it should help you consider those you see every day who do not know Jesus Christ. It doesn't mean that we must convert the masses, but be "faithful" at declaring His "faithfulness" and "salvation."