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Christian Viewpoint
I Have an Idea
Access Christian Staff
What is the difference between opinion and truth? You can have facts, which properly viewed can lead to a correct conclusion or answer. For example 2 + 2 = 4. The fact that 2 of something and 2 more of those somethings equals to 4 somethings. In other words, you can have a set of data or facts. Some facts can lead to an absolute truth or conclusion, or it can lead to an opinion. For example I have 2 pieces of chocolate and add two more pieces of chocolate, and there the absolute fact is that I now have 4 pieces of chocolate. However, some can argue that it is not real chocolate, or is not good chocolate. However, I still have 4 pieces of something that I classify as chocolate and some may say is fake. With that being said, I still have 4 objects, so 2 + 2 = 4.
What is taking place in our current 24 hour news cycle, is that much of what is reported and discussed is opinion. We learn that we can have objective facts, but the way we use those facts can lead to false conclusions. What is passed off as news is nothing more than theory (or conspiracy theories), or worse false opinions based on faulty facts or lies. I can believe something is true because of something I conjecture based on nothing more than a feeling. For example, I don't like her, she says nice things about the Vatican, so she must be a Roman Catholic and believe that it is wrong to use birth control. But that is a baseless conclusion unless you can verify each hypothesis of your argument. Most media outlets base there conclusions on a worse criteria; they have a world view, and a view on people who do not agree with that world view, and therefore must be wrong and morally evil. Read More >>>
Verses to Live By
"Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ..." - 1 Peter 1:13

Ernest Martinez
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Romans 2:1 - 10: To Judge or not to Judge? Part One
You can't go very far in the Bible without coming across the word and concept of judgment and its variants: to judge, judge not, and of course, judge not lest you be judged. Read More >>>
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Pastor Frank Keeler
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Website: Church Website
Two different worlds.
British novelist and playwright David Lodge was attending a performance of one of his creations, a satirical review, on the evening of November 23, 1963. The script called for an actor to show up for a job interview with a transistor radio clutched to his ear, showing his character?s complete indifference to the job he was applying for. The actor then sat down the radio and turned it to a station to let its news, music, or commercials play in the background as the play went on This night, however, a voice came on the radio with a live news bulletin: ?Today, the American President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas...? The audience gasped and the actor immediately switched off the radio but it was too late Read More >>>
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Nick Cooley
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"Behold, all souls are Mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is Mine. The soul who sins will die.? Ezekiel 18:4
Let?s review what we?ve covered so far. God is loving, caring, righteous, holy, and just, and he must punish sin. We are evil, proud, arrogant, sexually immoral, unmerciful and rebellious against God. God must punish us, and we deserve it. Death is the only punishment for sin.
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