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Part 6 - Salvation and the Pope

Letters to a Roman Catholic
Reads: 3515
Posted by accesservant on Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:57 am

In this discussion, Mr. Ernest Martinez responded to Mr. John Martignoni's e-mail (A Sixth Response - Mr. John Martignoni) to Mr. Edward Walker. Below is the discussion.

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Part 5 - A Response to Mr. John Martignoni

Letters to a Roman Catholic
Reads: 5344
Posted by accesservant on Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:56 am

On September 8, 2008, Mr. John Martignoni responded to several e-mail messages Mr. Ernest Martinez sent him previously, namely Authority and Clement of Rome. This e-mail was in response to two of those e-mail messages already discussed up to this point. When Mr. John Martignoni responds to the other messages they will be posted in their entirety with Mr. Ernest Martinez's response.

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Part 4 - Clement of Rome

Letters to a Roman Catholic
Reads: 4705
Posted by accesservant on Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:54 am

Mr. Ernest Martinez wrote to Mr. Al Martinez showing him an excerpt from Clement of Rome and asked him what he thought about it. Mr. John Martignoni responded on his behalf. Below is the discussion.

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Part 3 - Doctrine

Letters to a Roman Catholic
Reads: 3909
Posted by accesservant on Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:52 am

Mr. Ernest Martinez wrote to Mr. Al Martinez and asked him to show him specifically where the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church were found in the Bible. Mr. John Martignoni responded on his behalf. Below is my e-mail to Mr. Al Martinez and second is Mr. John Martignoni's response.

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Part 2 - Authority and Fearing God

Letters to a Roman Catholic
Reads: 2780
Posted by accesservant on Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:48 am

In this response Mr. Ernest Martinez addresses Mr. Martignoni's question as to who is his authority. The other question was whether or not Mr. Martinez feared God. Below is the brief answer.

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