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Joined: Jan 25, 2005 Posts: 172 Location: Belton, Texas
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Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:23 am Post subject: KJV vs. NIV & NASB |
I was shown some pretty interesting facts surrounding the King James Verison of the Bible as it relates to the New International Version and the New American Standard Bible. The link to the website below provides some startling information. What do you guys think?
Pastor Ernest |
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Joined: Jan 25, 2005 Posts: 277 Location: Bonsall, Ca
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Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 6:41 am Post subject: |
Well I regularly read the NIV, because it is easy to read. But I do look to other versions as well, especially when it is not clear as to the meaning of the passage. Tools like BibleGateway (accessible through Accessbible) are great because they let you look at several versions of each passage.
Anyway I came across some information on the internet of many people who felt that the King James version was the only accurate version and that the others were either poorly done or even malicously created false to deceive. Needless to say this intringued me so I began to look into the issue and address the issues each side suggested. The site Pastor mentions is the one that seemed to present the most clear, unbiased, and specific look at the issues.
Also I found it interesting that the King James bible was translated largely based upon the Textus Receptus, which was based upon only 6 manuscripts that dated no earlier than the 9th century. It was also translated by one man, Erasmus, who was a liberal Roman Catholic. SOme of the KJV was even taken from the Roman Catholic latin BIble. THe NASB and NIV were translated by many scholars from several denominations, using many more manuscripts in their original languages, and were from all over the English speaking world.
WHen you look at some of these interesting facts, the claims of many of the KJV only people don't seem to hold up. Here is a link to a site that explains how each translation was formed.
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Joined: Feb 17, 2006 Posts: 33
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Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 7:28 pm Post subject: |
I used to wonder about this topic alot. As a matter of fact I was a KJV ACTIVIST too. But I could not understand it as well as the NIV and others so I began to pray about it and in a leangthy discussion with God on the subject He brought something to my attention I had not previously considered.
The Bible(whatever version) is "the LIVING Word" God is the one who tells you what you are reading and as long as you are HIs child and you pray for guidance before your reading of His Word He will lead you and will not let you be deceived by what He has givin you. We depend on our own knowledge alot but sometimes we must stop and realize that Jesus is our light and out guide and He will not lead you falsely. I am not saying that you should not use caution in what you read but that with caution you should read a version that you will get the most out of and let God guide you in the things you get from it.
I may not be the only one that feels this way but it has made it alot easier on me to be able to read my BIBLES with a clear concience and mind. |
Awiaiting Jesus |
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Joined: Jan 25, 2005 Posts: 172 Location: Belton, Texas
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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:11 am Post subject: The MESSAGE |
A translation that I am really concerned about is The Message. It not only seems to distort what was originally said, but in many ways seems more of a personal interpretation rather than a translation, or even paraphrase.
Here is an example:
"In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen." (Matthew 6:9 - 13; New King James Version)
The same passage from The Message:
"With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply. Like this: Our Father in heaven, Reveal who you are. Set the world right; Do what's best - as above, so below. Keep us alive with three square meals. Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others. Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. You're in charge! You can do anything you want! You're ablaze in beauty! Yes. Yes. Yes." (Matthew 6:9 - 13; The Message)
Notice how different the two translations are. This is not at all what Jesus said... Read the Greek if you are not sure. This translation is heretical. |
Pastor Ernest |
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Joined: Feb 17, 2006 Posts: 33
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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 12:43 am Post subject: |
I have never liked the Message bible either. Our former Youth pastor used it like it was the original thing but it goes way off from the real thing. I agree with you on that pastor. |
Awiaiting Jesus |
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Joined: Apr 26, 2005 Posts: 34 Location: Los Angeles, CA
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Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 7:38 pm Post subject: |
What do you all know about the ESV translation?
Pastor, Thanks for the comparison of the Message and KJV I see now how awful the Message is, I'm throwing mine away. |
Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name. |
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Joined: Mar 18, 2005 Posts: 244
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Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 11:51 pm Post subject: versions |
I use the NKJV but as well have a copy of the NIV, ESV, Amplified, NASB, KJV, and maybe another but I have always liked to study the different versions and as well dig into the Greek and Hebrew. I liked the website that Pastor had, I went and read the stuff and personally liked the website and will use it to do more research.
It goes to show you that you need to apply yourself to understanding God's word and become intimate with it and know what it is telling you. Jesus says if you lack understanding then ask, and we will understand and gain knowledge when we are asking for God's wisdom and studying His word. The bible teaches us to be ready to give an answer for our faith and how can we if we do not dig into His word everyday and learn. Once in awhile is not good enough. The meat is there and we must feast on it, be in prayer at the same time and meditate on the truth, studying to be approved.
Deception can even come when we are Christians and not having the knowledge of His truth. We can be like the waves of the ocean hearing this and hearing that, believing this and believing that because it makes sense or because what they show us from scripture seems right. Satan knows the bible and I'm sure his demons know it as well, if we are not ready we will be deceived.
Time to get off my soap box.
Bye for now. |
Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ
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Joined: Jan 25, 2005 Posts: 277 Location: Bonsall, Ca
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Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 12:05 am Post subject: |
No worries about the soap box! You are right on! How can we be ready to give an answer about our faith if we ourselves don't know. And even more how can we protect ourselves from following false teaching (which can sound good and pleasing)?
I read the NIV every day, but use tools like biblegateway that allow you to see several translations, to help me understand passages better. |
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Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:13 pm Post subject: Re: KJV vs. NIV & NASB |
Every time a new translation of the Bible is written many people come out crying 'mysticism', 'blasphemy', 'KJV is the only real Word of God', etc. etc. From my heart of hearts I believe this is just another way for Satan to try and divide the body of Christ.
In my life, I can't think of a Christian Bible that the Lord has not used to speak to me in one form or another. I've read from the NLT, The Message, KJV, NKJV, NIV, CEV, NLV ... and they have all opened my eyes to who God is and what he is about, helped me in staying on the narrow road, and under His protection & love.
In Christ's Love,
GraceAbounds |
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Joined: Aug 31, 2008 Posts: 7
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Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:07 am Post subject: Re: KJV vs. NIV & NASB |
I threw my NIVs in the trash years ago when I saw that they had left out quite a few verses.
The Book of Rev is quite clear regarding anyone changing the Bible.
The key to remember is also the verse about the love of money.
For any work to be copyrighted it must be a unique work. That is it must be substantially different than any previous work in order to be copyrighted. In order to get a copyright on their Bible these publishers had to CHANGE it substantially from the original.
There are the facts. You do the math....
Bro. Winter |
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Joined: Jan 25, 2005 Posts: 277 Location: Bonsall, Ca
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Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 5:50 pm Post subject: Re: KJV vs. NIV & NASB |
BroSteveWinter wrote (View Post):
I threw my NIVs in the trash years ago when I saw that they had left out quite a few verses.
The Book of Rev is quite clear regarding anyone changing the Bible.
The key to remember is also the verse about the love of money.
For any work to be copyrighted it must be a unique work. ?That is it must be substantially different than any previous work in order to be copyrighted. ?In order to get a copyright on their Bible these publishers had to CHANGE it substantially from the original.
There are the facts. You do the math....
Bro. Winter
Bro.Winter, the one thing we have to realize is that the KJV is not the standard as to what should be in the Bible and what isn't. The KJV is merely a less modern, modern translation. The translators of the NIV had additional and older resources than the the the translators of the KJV. But unlike like modern versions of the KJV, the NIV includes the footnotes that tell when there are discrepancies between texts. This is a better study tool as you can view all possibilities and know when their could be a different reading. The NIV authors have often even skipped verse numbering to reflect this, if their manuscripts did not include a sentence that the later ones did. This is done, as to illustrate the difference and then the verse in question is listed in the footnotes with the reason why it is in question.
From my study, the NIV is the best modern translation to read and do light study with. The reason for this, is that for the vast amount of the Bible it is far easier to read and comprehend than other versions. The translators attempted to translate the idea of each passage more than the literal words which can often sound very clumsy in different languages. (Have you ever read anything translated word for word from Chinese into english?) However as we study deeper into the text and examine, we really should include other versions. These versions should include those based on different manuscripts and those using different styles of translation. I will begin with the NIV, then consult the NASB, then ESV, and then KJV. This provides me with a more literal word for word translation (NASB), a thought for thought (NIV), a mix of the two (ESV), and a translation based on different manuscripts (KJV).
Excluding the NIV, because it is evil or has removed from the word of God, is wrong because it isn't true. The verses in question are not omitted in the NIV, they are there. However they are in the footnotes at the bottom of the page. We can not compare the NIV to the KJV, it wasn't translated from the KJV, but from the greek manuscripts. And even though it is largely based upon different manuscripts, the NIV includes the alternates from the other manuscripts, whenever they differ. WHich as I have stated makes it a better study tool than the KJV. A reader of the KJV only, will not know that it is possible that verse was added in later or was corrupted in that manuscript. The NIV reader will have both to look at and make any decisions with.
Anyway, I hope this helps. I would glady discuss this further with anyone. I do not believe that anyone needs to read in the same manner as I, but would encourage that we use all the resources available to us in our study. |
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