Sin, Sickness, and the Medical System
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#1: Sin, Sickness, and the Medical System Author: lesjude PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:57 am
Satan wants the people in his kingdom comfortable enough so they do not get the idea that the root of ALL sickness is sin and turn to God in repentance. As long as they can be deceived to continue in sin with the illusion that their sickness can be "cured" they will be less likely to turn to God. The medical system does keep them comfortable enough so they continue in the deception while providing torture for the demons' enjoyment and a lot of blood sacrifices to Satan and his demons.

  There are many internet sites for the dangers and serious issues of nearly every antibiotic, prescription/over the counter drug including aspirin. God did not give the knowledge to use them any more then how arsenic was used as a food preservative for many years. Opium was sold over the counter for many years as were many other "illegal" drugs. I will say again that all drugs are poison and harm the body in any amount including antibiotics. The long term effects are NOT known for any drug until it is too late. Do some research!

Jesus NEVER used any aspect of medicine nor did He ever give any direction that His saints should EVER need it or use it. The apostles were the same in actions and instruction. He set healing in His church in James 5:14-15. You will note that sin forgiven and healing are closely connected in the verses including verse 16. Sin and sickness are together dealt with in Christ's atonement in Isaiah 53:4-5 and the word iaomai is used in 1 Peter 2:24 in reference to that atonement in Isaiah 53:4-5. The Greek word for heal iaomai-to heal is used to mean both physical (22 times) and "spiritual" healing and carries the meaning that upon dealing with the cause of sickness, sin, physical healing is available as well; also in the meaning of sozo to save both physical and spiritual healing are included.

Man's antichrist religion has separated the two and robbed God's people. They have many fellow travelers.

Christ Himself made the connection between sin and sickness in Matthew 9:1-8.

I realize what John 9:3 says and what it does NOT mean. The parents were not the ones who sinned but that obviously does not mean that the origin of his blindness is not sin because that is how it came into the world. Satan is the author of it, not God. His healing brought God glory, defeated sin as the source of the blindness and brought spiritual healing to the man. It also gives us some of the most humorous dialogue in the Bible!

God can allow sickness as in Job's case (and as a last resort for correction in others) but the purposes and who does it are clearly stated in Job 1 and 2 and James 5:11. Job was vindicated by God Job 42:7, healed, given more spiritual authority Job 42:8, and more than restored Job 42:10-17. There is no reason to believe that God will not do the same for those in Christ. However it seems most do not believe it. Again very, very sad.

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